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The Development Of New Baby Stroller

The development of new baby stroller – Rover
River baby help Australia customer do improvements on how to fix the baby bottle on the stroller.


Our Australian customer found a problem with the fix of the baby bottle when we develop a new baby stroller-Rover. It used to slide down automatically.


We have tried a lot of methods, but this problem has not been solving since a long time. The production workers and manger are nearly ready to give up. But cannot do that because this part is necessary for this new baby stroller. The customer hopes that we can help her realize this.


We continued to communicate with the engineer. Because the customer’s schedule in China is very tight, we asked our factory workers to do overtime and keep trying new ways until 12 o’clock in the evening, and finally the product meet the customer’s demand. For 3 days, everyone insisted on solving problems with customers in the same line. Meanwhile, all of us just ordered a takeaway egg fried rice (which is the simplest food in China) in the evening, because it can save time.

How We Did It?

Tested every possibility and made samples to check one by one. Finally, we were successful though the carrier pattern change and proper handing way.

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